Monday, August 1, 2016

The Importance of Drain Cleaning.

Unclog…you’ll be glad you did!  It really is important to have the drains in your home cleaned this summer.  But don’t do it half-way.  Have it done properly and completely by a professional plumber.  Over time dirt, sticks, gravel, leaves and much more of earth’s gradue accumulate in the drain pipes of your home.  Do something before it becomes an emergency.

Obviously, having a drain back up is NO fun.  If water backs up in your basement the odor will take forever to remove.  Also, think of the damage that could befall your toilets, sinks, showers, and floors.  Every time a pipe backs up you could also have precious items in your home become ruined.  There is great peace of mind knowing that the drains are flowing freely heading into fall.

Now that we know what to do the next question is who should do it?  Here is a tip…why not call the plumber who posts proudly on their website “affordable drain cleaning at $89 a drain”.  Who does that?  Poor Johns Plumbing Kansas City’s drain cleaning professionals that’s who.  Visit their website at and call for an appointment right away.

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